The Director of the company Mr. Prakashchandra Rathi is an entrepreneur with Bachelor Of Commerce Degree with specialization in costing and Export having excellent academic background.
He has a business experience of 25 years in sales, distribution, manufacturing and trading business
Mr. Shivraj Rathi, the CFO with Charted Accountant Of company. He has vast professional experience of past 25 years in the field of Finance and Taxation.
Dr. Shivaji Aher, the Technical Director of the company, heads the overall manufacturing activity of this unit. He is incharge of three Verticals of Business, Domestic Business, International Business and Contract manufacturing Business.
He has completed Masters of Science in Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry from Pune University. He has further completed his Diploma in Production Management and is engaged in Research and Development of new drug at the local University. Recently, he has been conferred with a doctorate degree.
Mr. Ajay Gandhi, the director and the promoter of the company is a qualified Mechanical Engineer and is an MBA from USA. He has vast experience of running successful business for past 35 years in Manufacturing and Trading.