1.DOPER –10 TABLETEach Uncoated Tablet Contain:
Domperidone B.P. 10 Mg.
10TABLET10 x 10 TAB
2.EMICLO–10 TABLETEach Uncoated Tablet contain:
Metoclopramide B.P. 10 Mg.
10 TABLET10 x 10 Tab.
3.EMICLO-P SYRUPEach 5 ml of syrup contain:
Metoclopramide HCL B.P. 0.5 Mg.
Paracetamol B.P. 125 Mg
60/100 ML60/100 ML
4.OSETR SYRUPEach 5 ml of syrup contain:
Ondansetron B.P. 2 Mg
60/100 ML60/100 ML
5.OSETR-4 TABLETEach Uncoated Tablet contain:
Ondansetron B.P. 4 Mg.
10 TABLET10 x 10 Tab.
6.OSETR-8 TABLETEach Uncoated Tablet contain:
Ondasetron HCL B.P. 8 Mg
10 TABLET10 x 10 Tab.
7.SKYMINE –25 TABLETEach Uncoated Tablet contain:
Promethazin Theoclate B.P. 25 Mg.
10 TABLET10 x 10 Tab.
8.SKYMINE –2.5 TABLETEach 5 ml of syrup contain:
Promethazin B.P. 12.5 Mg.
60/100 ML60/100 ML
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